Thursday, August 14, 2008

Post-Op Update


Jim N. said...

GREAT news!!!

mtamanai said...

Dear Alicia,

Many thanks for the great news! I am soooo happy to hear it.

McGuire said...

That's AWESOME. Thanks for the update, Alicia!

Brent Stanton said...

Great to hear!! We've all been thinking of you!! And thanks to Alicia. Love, The Stantons (Brent, Deb, Jack and Olivia)

Morrissey said...

Thanks alicia!! This is good news and we are so glad to hear that john and christine are doing well! Keep everyone updated! :)

mkakimoto said...

Hi Alicia,

Thank you for the update and good news! I am John's colleague from UNICEF and I had tried contacting you at the number listed on the blog...but it doesn't seem to work. Could you kindly let me know your correct number? Our team is wondering when he may be out of the ICU. My email: or phone: 212-824-6530. Many thanks in advance!